Community first
Our beautiful jungle home is located in the proximity of the small local community of Poste Rojo. We do our best to give back, support and share with the locals - join us!
Community Tour
Every Friday morning we run a community tour where you’ll get to walk around Poste Rojo, meeting the locals and learning about the history of Nicaragua and of our beautiful jungle home.
The tour includes:
History of the Treehouse, from when it was built to the current ownership
A glimpse into Nicaraguan and Poste Rojo history
Tortilla making workshop
Coffee workshop - grinding it the traditional way (and delicious tasting session afterwards)
Choco banano treats
An overview of the different community projects we run
* The local community tour has a cost of 10$.
Community Football
We play a game of football with the local kids every Thursday afternoon - remember to bring some water as it gets sweaty!